“You’ll make time for what’s important to you.”
Something I’ve learned in my life is that if it’s truly important to me I’ll figure out a way to make time for it. My challenge to myself in 2024 is to have a stronger emphasis on making my spiritual walk a priority so that I can grow deeper in my faith. So, to accomplish this, I’ve set some spiritual goals for myself. Some of these include fast once a week, read the Bible in a year, and look for opportunities to pray with someone in public at least once a week.
We’ve challenged the students of the church to set their own spiritual goals as well. By doing this, my prayer is that students will make growing spiritually the main priority in their lives. We walked through how we can make a qualitative goal a quantitative goal so that we can measure the growth. For instance, a great goal is to say, “I want to know more about God this year.” But how do we do that? We can break it down to “I want to know more about God this year and I’ll do that by reading the Bible regularly and attending church every week.” So now there’s a way for students to really measure their goal.
What are some spiritual goals you’ve made for 2024? If you haven’t yet, I’d encourage you to. Here’s some great goals that could help your family grow this year:
- Memorize a Scripture once a week/month as a family.
- Have family dinner 3-4 nights a week. During dinner, share what God has been speaking or doing in your life.
- Pray for together before bed every night and morning before you leave to start the day.
- Make attending church on Sundays and Wednesdays a priority.
In life we make time for what’s important to us. As you think through your daily schedule, what sticks out as being most important to you? If something needs to be reprioritized now’s time to do it.