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Love. Learn. Share Jesus.

Church In person

10:30am SUnday
7pm Wednesday

It is our hope and prayer that you encounter the amazing presence of God, are encouraged, and that your faith will be strengthened no matter what you're going through! We look forward to meeting you and invite you to be a part of all that is happening at Central Assembly of God. 

Church Online

Text Updates

Text the keyword enidcentral to 84576 and follow the instructions sent to you or fill out the information below to receive church announcements and reminders.



Current Sermon Series
sundays 10:30am


volunteer party
january 26 | 6pm

Soup & Chili Cookoff 2025 Update.jpg

Soup & Chili Cookoff
Feb 9 | 5pm

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 

2 Corinthians 9:7

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